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Indica vs. Sativa vs. Hybrid: Understanding Cannabis Strains

House of Dankness

Updated: Jan 27

They say to select your cannabis based on the experience you want to have. You can learn your favorite terpenes and follow your favorite strains. However, the best place to start is the difference between indica, sativa, and hybrid strains. When your budtender asks you what kind of high you're looking for, this is where they're going to start, too.

In general terms, Indica is chill and dank, sativa is energetic and creative, and hybrids (as you might guess) are a blend of both. Of course, not all indicas are sleepy, and not all sativas are wild. Every strain has its own personality set by the unique mix of terpenes and cannabinoids. But until you know your favorite strains and terps, you can let these categories guide you.

Today, we're going to define the differences and help you choose your next strain based on the high you want to have.

Indica: The Body High

Indica cannabis was discovered in India, though its sources are closer to Afghanistan. It is known for stout plants with broad, dark leaves with buds ranging from dark green to deep purple. Indica is known to be sleepy, munchy, chill, and relaxed. It is also favored in the medical MJ community for pain relief. Indica is also known as the "body high" category, with strains more likely to be felt from head to toe with deep relaxation or uplifting lightness. 

Of course, not all indicas are sleepy. They don't even all slow you down. But it is best to try a new indica strain at home in the evening when you don't have anything else to take care of, just in case you drift off into a world of relaxation.

Popular indica strains include:

  • Northern Lights

  • Blue Cheese

  • Kush, anything Kush

  • Grandaddy Purp(le)


Sativa: The Head High

Sativa (which means "cultivated") is the cannabis known to Europeans when cannabis was first documented. It comes from South and Central America and Southeast Asia. Sativa plants tend to be tall and lanky. The leaves and buds tend to be paler green. Sativa is known for making you feel energetic and creative. They can sometimes improve your focus. Sativas are more likely to give you a "head high" with sensations that are felt more acutely around your scalp and head. You may feel floaty and light.

Often called a "daytime high," Sativa is recommended when you want to use cannabis on adventures, for creative work, and for other daytime activities. However, sativas can also make you space out and even fall asleep, so like indica, the reputation is not universal.

Popular sativa strains include:

  • Super Silver Haze

  • Tangie

  • Sour Diesel

  • Strawberry Cough


Hybrid: The Best of Both Worlds

Hybrids are the result of breeding indicas and sativas together. They offer a wonderful blend of body and head highs, relaxation and energy, chill and focus, and other pleasant combinations. Hybrids offer the full range of effects, and cannabis growers are often looking to create the best combinations.

Hybrids are often sorted by indica-dominant or sativa-dominant based on whether they are more relaxed or energetic and, of course, the strength of their parent strains. Those labeled "hybrid" tend to be closer to 50/50 or so blended, and there is no clear dominant anymore.

The terpene blend is the best way to guide your selection of hybrids. Learning the terpenes you like best (present in your favorite strains) can help you identify exactly which effects and combo-effects you will enjoy most in a hybrid. This information is just as useful when picking your favorite indica and sativa strains, especially if your old favorites aren't on the menu because strains come and go.

Beyond Indica and Sativa

When talking about indica and sativa cannabis, it's also important to remember that these are generalizations. There are very few pure indica or pure sativa strains anymore, and the difference between them has always been a spectrum, not a switch. There are energetic indicas and sleepy sativas that adhere to the plant-based indicators.

If you have to guess from a number of unknown strains, you can let the indica/sativa labels be your guide. But when it comes to tailoring the perfect cannabis experience, it's better to know your favorite terpenes and entourage effect (terpenes and cannabinoids working together) that your brain chemistry responds to best based on the high you want to have.

Hint: When you have a great high, always check the terps on the strain you're enjoying. Write it down so you can make a list for later.

Conclusion:  Choose Wisely: Let House of Dankness Be Your Cannabis Guide

Looking for the perfect high? Let House of Dankness guide you through the delightful differences between indicas, sativas, and blended hybrids to find the best strains for you. Individual experiences are always unique, so follow your journey to your ideal daytime sativa, your favorite bedtime indica, and the hybrids that make those in-between adventures so much fun.

Contact us or check out our other pages to learn about the cannabis you'll enjoy most.

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